Three billboards outside ebbing missouri true story
Three billboards outside ebbing missouri true story

three billboards outside ebbing missouri true story

Dixon calls Chief Bill Willoughby as he's having dinner with his wife Anne and daughters Polly and Jane to inform him about the billboards. Dixon passes the second billboard that says "And still no arrests?" He goes to read the last billboard (technically first to read), which says "Raped while dying". Officer Jason Dixon is driving down Drinkwater Road when he sees two young men putting up the first billboard that reads "How come, Chief Willoughby?" He talks to a guy named Jerome, who isn't fond of Dixon due to his reputation of harassing African-American citizens. Red determines Mildred is the mother of Angela Hayes, who was raped and murdered seven months earlier.

three billboards outside ebbing missouri true story

She goes to an advertising agency to speak to Red Welby about putting up three billboards for a year. Mildred Hayes drives down Drinkwater Road near her town as she passes by three vacant billboards.The synopsis below may give away important plot points. As both sides try to protect their position, the fact of Angela herself may get lost in the process.

three billboards outside ebbing missouri true story three billboards outside ebbing missouri true story

Any support Mildred gets, which does not include from her abusive ex-husband Charlie who is in a relationship with nineteen year old Penelope, is despite she not being easy to like outside of this situation, she and Angela who did not have the best of mother/daughter relationships. With the billboards the highest profile action on the matter in months, the rhetoric and associated actions ratchets up on both sides with each having his or her supporters who are not afraid to show that support largely through intimidation on their own initiative. The police's lead investigator in Angela's case, Jason Dixon, is openly racist, misogynistic, homophobic and a mama's boy, who prefers to read comic books than do any meaningful work. Using his name is also despite Mildred knowing what is probably the worst kept secret in town: that he is suffering from a terminal case of pancreatic cancer, his eventually passing which would leave him survived by his loving wife and two adolescent daughters. Mildred, via the billboards, names Chief Bill Willoughby directly as although not the lead investigator, he is the chief and the "buck stops with him". Because of what she believes is the police inaction on the case, frustrated and angry Mildred Hayes, Angela's divorced working class mother, rents the three no longer used billboards, despite the cost of the rental which she really cannot afford, on a local road just outside of town for one year, the billboards to have messages in simple, bold faced text highlighting that police inaction on the case. It's been seven months since Angela Hayes was discovered raped and murdered outside her small hometown of Ebbing, Missouri.

Three billboards outside ebbing missouri true story